
The fundamental belief of Yoga Psychotherapy is that natural wisdom gives rise to a balanced mind.


A Balanced Mind…

  • is inspired, creative, and content.

  • is able to host a myriad of emotions without overwhelm.

  • can succeed at daily tasks and activities.

  • is able to dream and reach for its limitless potential.

  • can form deep, meaningful and lasting relationships.

  • is at peace with the world and its place within it.


An Imbalanced Mind…

  • suffers with incessant and disturbing fluctuations of thoughts and emotions.

  • is caught in depressed and anxious cycles of rumination.

  • dissociates with or without the use of drugs/alcohol, sex, shopping, excessive entertainment, etc.

  • is mistrustful of others and feels paranoid by the state of the world.


The mind is a fluid process that is informed by the state of our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health, and as it relates to the constant flux of our environment. It is therefore best treated holistically, by addressing all three aspects of being, and not through talk therapy alone.

Ballet dancer strewn over rock.


  • Yoga or other mind/body practices

  • Ayurvedic diet and lifestyle recommendations

  • Dinacarya - creating a daily routine

  • Grounding the body and relaxing the nervous system

A man meditating.


  • Meditation/visualization techniques

  • Replacing antiquated patterns of thinking with more functional ones

  • Depathologizing the past, while cultivating compassion and self-love/acceptance

  • Exploring ways to tap into neuroplasticity and expand consciousness in order to reveal greater human potential

Woman holding a red fluorescent heart.


  • Pranayama (breathing practices that regulate and expand our prana/life force)

  • Yoga Nidra (guided meditation)

  • Abhyanga (self massage)

  • Emotional regulation

  • Mantra yoga/chanting
